JAS ELIT CUP 2024 [archived]
23 to 25 Aug 2024
All matches will be played in Idrottshuset. We appreciate it if you put cans and bottles in our Pantamera boxes that are on display in the halls and at the school. The changing rooms will always be open so when you change you take your things with you. We as the organizer are NOT responsible if you lose valuables. You as a team are responsible for throwing all rubbish in the bins. If you are going to use a changing room that is full of a lot of rubbish, please contact the staff at the kiosk.
There are a maximum of 24 teams per class, ie for boys and girls. Those of you who choose to live at school will live at Rudbecksgymnasiet, which is a 5-minute walk from the hall. You live and eat at the school. Those of you who may be staying in a hotel eat lunch and dinner at the school.
Competition rules JAS Elite Cup 2024
§ 1. Game rules
The JAS Elit Cup is played according to the SIBF rules in all applicable parts.
§ 2. Form of competition
XX notified teams. These are divided into X groups with Y teams in each group. Everyone meets everyone in the respective group.
The order between the teams is determined by points. Victory in the match gives 3 points, draw 1 point and loss 0 points. If two or more teams have the same point total, the order between them is decided in the following way below where you go step by step until you can distinguish the positions that need to be distinguished.
- Tournament placement is determined by the number of points in the current group
- In case of equal points, placement is determined by head-to-head meeting/s, i.e. a new table is calculated with the teams concerned
- Mutual ranking is determined by the number of points
- In the event of equal points, placement is determined by mutual goal difference, i.e. the difference between the number of goals scored and goals conceded. If the goal difference is the same, the team that has scored the most goals against each other is placed first
- If the teams are equal despite this, placement is decided by total goal difference where all results in the group are counted
- If the goal difference is the same, the team that has scored the most goals in the group is placed first
- If, despite this, the teams are equal, the team with the least number of expulsion minutes is placed first in the group
- If, despite this, the teams are equal, a draw takes place between the teams that could not be distinguished
A - Playoffs and placement matches
The playoffs take place according to the elimination method. In the event of a tie in the playoffs, penalty kicks are applied directly.
ATTENTION! 3 penalties per team. In the event of a tie after 3 penalty rounds, sudden penalties are applied, i.e. one penalty per team until a winner can be determined.
ATTENTION! In the A and B finals, 5 min is applied. sudden death effective time
If still tied, 3 penalties are awarded according to the penalty rules.
§ 3. Class division
JAS - according to SIBF's age distribution for the Junior Allsvenskan for season 2023/24, boys born in 2006 or later.
P16 born in 2008 or later.
§ 4. Match time
Group games: 2 x 20 min. (rolling time), last minute of effective playing time. Maximum 3 minute break.
Playoffs: 2 x 20 min. (rolling time), the last 3 min. with effective playing time. Maximum 3 minute break.
No page change.
§ 5. Time out
In group games, time out is not allowed.
In the playoffs, 1 pc is allowed. 30 second time out per team and match.
§ 6. Number of players and interrupters
A team can use a maximum of 20 players during a match. There is no maximum limit to the number of participants on the participant list during the cup. The players must be on the team's respective rosters.
§ 7. Age dispensation
No general exemptions will be granted.
§ 8. List of participants
All teams must, in order to be allowed to start, before their first match in the tournament, submit an approved list of participants for the tournament of the players who will participate. Only designated players may participate. The list of participants must be submitted one hour before the first match. Completion is not permitted after the first match has been played.
§ 9. In the event of a match
All player uniforms must be numbered on the back and chest and the numbers must correspond to those indicated on the lineup. Two players may not have the same number on the shirt during the same match.
If the match referees judge that one team should change uniforms, due to similarity in color with the other team's uniforms, the away team must change.
§ 10. The judges
JAS Elit Cup and Örebro County Floorball Association appoint referees.
§ 11. Competition jury
The jury consists of representatives from the organizing association. Protest and punishment cases are handled by the Competition Jury. Its written decision cannot be appealed or changed.
§ 12. Organization committee
The JAS Elite Cup is organized by IBF Örebro.
§ 13. Protests and punishments
Protests must be submitted in writing to the competition secretariat in the respective hall, by the responsible leader of the protesting team no later than 90 minutes after the end of the relevant match and before any subsequent match. Protest fee (2000:-) must be paid in cash at the same time as the protest is submitted. The fee is refunded if the protest is approved.
§ 14. Match penalties
Match penalty 1 (M1) results in suspension in the current match. Match penalty 2 (M2) results in suspension for the current match and one more match. Match penalty 3 (M3) results in suspension in the current match and the next match. The competition jury and the SDF's disciplinary committee then determine further penalties and the suspension of more matches.
§ 15. Walk-over
Teams that leave a walk-over in a match lose the match 5-0.
§ 16. Game plans
The JAS Elite Cup is played in the Sports Hall,
§ 17. Gaming program
The organizing committee reserves the right to change the game programme, both in terms of group division, times and game plans. Notification of changes is made to each law officer.
§ 18. Regulations
The school and sports halls are made available by Örebro Municipality. Therefore, all participants who live at school must comply with the regulations that apply.
Use or possession of drugs in any form (alcohol, narcotics or doping agents, etc.) not accepted! Violation of this rule is dealt with by the competition jury and may result in eviction from the school/sports hall and exclusion from the tournament. All suspected crimes are reported to the police.
§ 19. Insurances
It is the responsibility of each team manager to ensure that all participants have a valid player's license and are insured both on and off the pitch. JAS Elit Cup is not responsible for injuries, illnesses or thefts.
Registration fee
JAS 4995: -
P16 4695: -
Accommodation (school) & food card: SEK 995 / person including 2 pcs. breakfasts, 2 pcs. lunches and 2 dinners.
Food card: SEK 595 / person 2 pcs. lunches and 2 dinners. Those of you who stay in hotels eat breakfast there.
ATTENTION! Mandatory that all teams must buy food cards (equal to number of players + number of leaders
regardless of whether you stay in a hotel or not. going home).
An invoice is sent out separately to the person in charge in the association.
If you cancel after 1 August, no fees will be refunded.